Spring Love

spring window decoration
needlefelted birds and nest + cotton string + 3 little bells


Joyti said…
O wow, these are so pretty!
Anonymous said…
the pictures are amazing.
love your blob
love all these pictures! Very cute blog.
Great pics. I'm so glad Spring is here.
Anonymous said…
You have beautiful blog, I wish You will be blogging again!
Kenyatte said…
....where are you???.... :0(

Will you come back please??

As strange as this sounds I said a little prayer for you. This blogging thing is funny...you have readers who feel they know you but have never seen you or heard your voice. That said, I hope all is well and that, in due time, you come back to "Pearl & Lace", renewed...

Make it an Outstanding Day!

- Kenyatte

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