Countdown Decor!

This year we are throwing a party at our place..
Our theme is winter wonderland with Vintage Era..
{Pick your own Era Coustume Party}
Dress up anywhere from the Flapper early 20's to the
50's Charm & Elegance
 60's mini dress look
 70's Glamour Glitz
I have a few busy days ahead of me!
And I'm super excited for this party!
See ya in the New Year!
My Inspiration for my mantel for New Years Eve!

I cant decide wether I want to do the 70's Glam Look
Eyes Stand Out Big in 1970's-80's
1940's Fashion Glam made modern
From Diesel
Thinking of making my hair like this...
With this lovely anthropologie headband
Oh and my husband is going for this guys look.
The Bright and Colorful makup look of the 80's
I'm liking this dress with the gold belt.
Or the 1920's Flapper Era

my oh my...what do decide.
this will be hard..
any suggestions?
Happy New Year everyone!


tomi991 said…
cool pictures :) but cant really help u to decide hehe

happy new year! :)
Anya Rudn said…
Love the clocks Theme & perfect song ;)
Oh gosh so hard to decide... They all look so cute in there own way and any of them would be fun to wear.. Love the headband from anthropologie.. def should work around that.
Wish i could help but i'm sure yo will find something ravishing!

Have a great time at your party! =)
Anna said…
How fun!

I vote for flapper glamor, but there are so many pretty choices. I'm looking forward to hearing how everything turned out. :)
Karin said…
Ahh! So fun and so many great ideas! Clearly you will just have to throw another theme party next year so you can rock another idea/decade! I think go 60's/70's and rock the headband, then you will match your hubby! Whatever you decide will be fab. Have fun and Happy New Year!
Gloria Zaytsev said…
1920's Flapper Era. Love it (:
stacii said…
lol the 6th picture from the bottom(with the intense blue makeup and pink double hoops) is my friends girlfriend.

love the piks

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