Glimpse of Pink
I was never a big fan of the color Pink, more of a pastel pink and peach are my kinda colors, but after I received this months House Beautiful issue with this first picture as the cover page, I was eager to flip the pages and see more!
"Whenever you see this color, you instantly equate it with passion for life. It's a timeless pink, believe it or not. The Venetians and Moroccans have used it for centuries!"
-Windsor Smith (House Beautiful)
These Nurserys are so adorable. I love how these designers used a combination of blue and pink in them.
"A pink with depth to it won't jump out at you. This has undertones of raspberry and rose, and it makes people look good, which gives everyone a good feeling."
Suzanne Kasler (House Beautiful)

You may notice a pattern in most of these rooms.
colors of Gold and shades of blue are used in many corners...
"Pink is the most flattering color of all, especially at night, with candlelight. Everyone looks glowing. It think of it as a neutral- it works with any decorating scheme."
Frank De Biasi (House Beautiful)
Years later... when we have a (with a touch of blue) here we come!
Sweet bliss!
Ciao Bella!
Creative Carmelina
please check out my blog
Love having lots of pink flowers in the house.. And i am in love with that pink couch!!