...Polka Dot Fetish...

Right now for Spring Im loving everything spotted and dotted. Here are just a few ways you can incorporate this timeless print in your life.

1// Polk dot wall paper. Create this in a small room, a corner of your home, an office space.

2// Every girls got to own a pair of point dotted pumps. Don't you agree?

3// Gold polka dotted i phone case from zazzle.

4// Adorable belt from madewell.

5// I'm loving my new polka dot pants from forever 21! (Oh ya, I went red!// new hairstyle.
(photos from this outfit coming soon!)

6// Tea anyone? A colorful polka dot tea-pot ?! Need I say more!!

7// Barneys New York Polka-Dot folded Umbrella. How cute is this to have in the rain. Perfect.

8// I have my eye on this turquoise-polka-dot-fold-over-clutch from etsy!

Now I got you all dizzy in love with dots haven't I? Head to my pinterest and check out more!


Green Girl said…
the teapot qnd the yellow umbrella are so cute!
Allison said…
I love polka dots! Great collection, I'll take one of everything please.
Unknown said…
Wow, wonderful!! I love dots!

Ana said…
I love polka-dots!! I want that umbrella!
Te sigo siempre!
Tu blog es muy inspirador, felicidades por ello.
Si te apetece pasar por el mio serás bien recibida : ) Saludos!!

Susannah said…
I love polka dots so much! That teapot is adorable!

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